Friday, October 29, 2010

Cookie Making

 So our churches annual Harvest Festival is coming up this Sunday and we are SO excited!  Being the dedicated Mom I am I agreed to make cookies for the event....  3 dozen....  although the final count was 210 (Give or take... mostly take since there were lots of taste tests by young and old in the house!)  Yes I realize that 210 is way more than 36, but I just couldn't stop...  not when we were having this much fun!  I have some of the best little helpers there are!  And although Hannah was the one who truly helped with the cookies and the twins mostly threw the flour anywhere and everywhere....  memories were made, and we had a blast!  (Flour is actually very simple to clean up, as long as you don't add water!  Try it.... what fun!)

And below is just a small taste of the live action!  Enjoy!

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