Tuesday, October 12, 2010

16 month check-up!

 Whoa... whoa.. whoa...  what did I just say?  16months?  No way...  not even possible.  Sigh...  if only it were possible to pause the hands of time.  It is true though.  The twins have rapidly approached 16months old.  I'm not actually sure when it happened either! 
 Aspen has such a sweet spirit (which completely condtradicts the fact that she is our "hitter and has already become familiar with the timeout wall!")  Here are some other things special about her:
- Aspen is so enthusiastic about life that she frequently tries to keep Brooke awake at night with games of "High Five" at the corner of their cribs where they can actually reach each other.  Who needs sleep anyways?
-She has fallen in love with a penguin we bought for Hannah at Kohl's a LONG time ago and will not go to sleep without it.  It now sells for $26-$50 on ebay and amazon.  We only have one.
-It comforts her to slip her hand through the loops on her tag blanket.  She has reached a record of waking up with her hand through 11 loops.  We are amazed every morning that there is still blood circulating to her right hand.  It is always her right hand.
-Her vocabulary is expanding everyday.  Some of her current favorites are: "uh-oh!", "ha dive" (high five), "dye-dye" (bye-bye), "Nah Nah" (Hannah), "MUM!" (Mom.... and yes she always shouts it!), "Dooooooooooooooooowwwww..." (Telling Sadie to get down!), and so many more!
-When Aspen jumps she can get both feet off of the ground and land it!
-She can climb to any height and both she and Brooke feed off each other trying to see what the highest and smallest space they can fit on at the same time!
-A definite people watcher and loves to observe all of the things going on around her.
-Right now Aspen chooses any vegetable over any other foods
-And she has got to have the most adorable belly laugh.  She could turn anyones frown upside down with it!

 Brooke has a very independent spirit.  We are sure she is going to give Hannah a run for her money!  Here are some special things about her:
-Brooke has got both music and rhythm buried deep into her soul.  Her little body can bounce and shake to music better than most adults... no joke.  She frequently gets lost dancing to the music and as we watch her you can tell she feels it from the tip of her head to the very tip of her toes. 
-She's our little chatterbox.  Sometimes we're not sure what is coming out exactly but we know there is lots of it!  She can talk away while Aspen laughs at her.  Who knows?  Maybe they will have their own language.
-Brooke likes to put herself in others shoes.  We're sure she has the gift of compassion. (If Aspen goes to timeout for hitting, Brooke goes right after her by her own free will and sits there with a concerned look on her face.)
-She loves copying Hannah with dress-up clothes and jewlery.  She always puts headbands around her neck as necklaces.
-She loves being outside and knows how to throw a fit bigger than ever if she's not ready to come in!
-Says all of the same words as Aspen!  Although her latest is... "1-2-3... Doe!"  (1-2-3 Go!... and then you run across the house!)

-Brooke loves vegetables too and we think she may have actually turned into a vegetarian.  The youngest we know.  :)

 Here is Aspen waiting for Dr.Aguilar while carrying her penguin around.  Her penguin and Brooke's monkey don't generally leave the cribs/house but I figured since I was taking on shots solo I needed some back-up!  Aspen is growing so quickly and is in great health!
Current weight: 23lbs (49th %ile); 32inches (83rd %ile). 

 This was after Dr.Aguilar left and Aspen was reinacting her exam... only he used an otoscope and the best she could come up with was a pen!  :)
 Brooke is growing just as quickly and healthy too!  Her current measurements are: 22lbs (26th %ile); and she is 31inches (56th %ile) which might I add I think is wrong...  there is no way Aspen is 2 inches taller than Brooke!  I will have to measure for myself when they wake up from their nap! 
 Here the girls were dueling waiting for their immunizations and flu shot.  Only they didn't know exactly what they were waiting for.  They only knew they were bored!  :)
1 broken heart.... 1 shocked heart following their immunizations.  Nothing blankies, grapes, frosted mini-wheats, a penguin, a monkey, and snuggles from Mom couldn't fix.  Keep growing baby girls.  We can almost literally see your neurons connecting on a daily basis.  Just don't go so fast, we're having a hard time keeping up!

P.S. Couldn't resist the cuteness.... here are some examples of the life and dancing in our house!

1 comment:

Randy and Danielle said...

Only on a nurses blog would you read "We can almost see your neurons connecting on a daily basis!"
Ha HA ha ha Ha!
Laughing Right now!!!