Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A visit with Santa 2011

 As we took a link off of "The Countdown to Christmas" Hannah made in school, we realized that our time was limited to go and visit the Jolly Old Man!  So, off to the mall we went.  Our entire crew... determined not only to conquer the mall traffic, but to conquer it with a good attitude! :)  Did we accomplish this??  Yes!  Pulled into the parking lot just as someone was backing out... parked immediately and headed directly to the line that had accumulated to a 45minute wait.  Ugh.
 Breathing a sigh of relief when they closed the line directly behind us immediately after our arrival for "lunch," we stood in line... Sweet Taylor asleep, snacks prepared, and Hannah excited with anticipation to visit with Santa.  
 Great thing about the mall is they've thought about our sanity while waiting in line with small children and have prepared by showing Christmas movies.  Occupied at least 30 minutes of our wait! :)
 Such a fun display
 Literally had to restrain the twins when they were next in line.  I think they were ready to join in the picture of the kiddos in front of us!
 Sweet girl armed with list in hand for Santa.  Hand written might I add.  She was definitely proud of the fact that she wrote her entire list solo!  Hannah is growing up so fast!
 The restraining continues....
 And finally the Daurer's arrive with a bang!  Poor Santa didn't know what hit him and even forgot to give the girls their coloring books on the way out! :)  I think I saw his eyes cross a couple of times too...  4 girls are a lot to keep up with! :)
 We weren't sure how the twins would do, but they did great until they had to hold still for a picture...
Yep we did it....  Tuckered the poor man out.  Didn't even make it long enough for the photo.  The man can deliver 7 billion gifts in one night, but 1 visit from us and he's out.  Don't worry Santa....  the girls took good naps today too... until next year!  :) 

1 comment:

jjschulz said...

So funny! What a great pic!