Friday, March 14, 2008

Never Before Caught on Film!

For those of you who know John, you know that he always plays with his ears! Especially when he is thinking. Well call it genetics and/or learned behavior but Hannah plays with her ears constantly as well! They both can do this weird thing where they tuck their ear inside of itself! And today I had the pleasure of catching it in photos!
Hannah awoke from her nap as usually and said "Mommy wook at ear!" I look and she had tucked it in like every time before except that it wasn't popping out! We laughed and looked in the mirror as I realized it wasn't going to pop out, so the next thing I did was grab the camera for proof! I should have turned it to video mode to show live coverage... Maybe next time! =)

Go ahead.... try it! You know you want to! Trust me it is a true authentic talent John and Hannah both have!


Anonymous said...

I showed Rob Hannah's pics of her ear and we both set to trying to do it luck though, lol.

Jaxma99 said...

This reminds me of the old saying, "If you keep making that face one day it's going to stay that way!" :) My favorite part of this picture is the cheeks!!!

Knittin Ko said...

That is the coolest and weirdest/slightly grossest thing I have ever seen! I tried it myself and wow, does that hurt. Must be that my cartilage in my ears is getting old and crusty. Hannah's ear cartilage is brand new so it is very bendable. I am continually amazed by what the human body can do. Go Hannah!