Saturday, December 15, 2007

Youth group Christmas party!

For the NXT youth group we help out with, last night was our Christmas party! As you can tell from the pic above it was a pirate theme! Arrrrgh!

Hannah had no problem taking on the role of a pirate for the night... She actually did great with all of the costumes and had a blast!

She was really good at counting the loot and handing out the coins as the teams came through our stations on their amazing adventure scavenger hunt!

So it's next to impossible to get a picture of all the kids anymore... Eva was way gone and David was on his way out before I could snap the shot! You get the point though! Super cute pirates and David even got creative and dressed as a parrot!

Long late night parties = really tired pirate toddlers...

Do you think we should consider a toddler bed yet? =)


jjschulz said...

That last picture of Hannah describes exactly how I felt after the Christmas party! =) Can I get some of your pictures? Even though I brought my camera, I didn't snap a single shot. I was hoping you did better than me.

Randy said...

LOL John... Danielle and I have been talking about a toddler bed for HJ, maybe we should kick around a few ideas together! Love ya bro. Randy