Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

 It's an interesting thing really....  Hannah stands strong that Santa does not exist, but with all of the hype around her she can't help but prepare "just in case!"  We think Santa is a fun tradition.  Hannah knows that Santa is pretend (she shocked us with the news on her own around 6 months ago) and only a truly minimal part of the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  Hannah also knows that it's a good idea to let her sisters continue to pretend for a while until she breaks the news to them!  Earlier in the week Hannah said...  "Mom we need to tell Santa that we aren't going to give him carrots or cookies unless he builds a church for his elves.." Gotta love the thought process of a 5 year old! 
 Still no fireplace, so again we left the ladder out so that Santa could come through the trusty return vent!  
 Hannah was so proud that this year she got to test the ladder solo  :)
 John took this picture and is convinced that Mystic was waiting to make his one last plea to the man himself since he is almost ALWAYS naughty!
 ...and at last, all tucked away in their beds.  Hannah slept soundly...
 Aspen slept soundly...
and Brooke slept soundly....  all ready for an adventurous morning!

1 comment:

Lorelei Anderson said...

I LOVE the ladder for the return vent idea. That's hilarious!