Monday, May 17, 2010

The warm weather is here and we can't get enough of it!

A warm spring has come and we are loving life after a long winter indoors!  All of the girls have grown a ton over the winter months.  We can barely believe that we have passed the 11month mark and are quickly on our way to celebrating the twins 1st birthday!  Let me tell you life has been busy!  As you can see above the girls have become quite the little helpers!  They must take after their big sister!  Not a single load of dirty dishes is safe when they are around!  (I'm sure I have obtained a guiness record for fastest dish stacker when I hear 4 little hands smacking the floor headed towards the dishwasher when I open it to load!)

We have also decided to put the garden on hold for a year until the twins understand boundaries a little better.  Until then Hannah is growing strawberries and sunflowers!  They are doing so well too!  (Don't you love the formal wear that is required when planting things in our home!)

At night before John and I go to bed I always like to sneek back into the girls rooms and given them kisses while making sure they are still tucked in.  Just recently I came upon Hannah who had untucked herself from the blankets and instead tucked herself into a box!  What a goof!  I would love to know what she was thinking when the above seemed like the most comfortable position for sleep!

The twins are definitely summer babies and LOVE to be outside.  Looking forward to more warm weather and summer fun adventures!

The girls have both become very mobile, able to get anywhere and everywhere they please.  Even climbing up stairs when they get the chance.  Just moments away from walking and I'm almost relieved (It's tough to carry 2 babies at once!)  Their vocabulary is expanding already but we somewhat expected that as they have an older sister who is a great example! Ha!  Aspen's is quite impressive as she already says "Dadie" (Sadie our dog), Baby, Mama, Dada, and "Buh" (Brooke).  Brooke's favorites are Mama, Dada, and "Dat" (What's that?) while pointing at whatever she is curious about.  Both girls are still surviving on less sleep than any baby in the world, so I guess that means so are we!  I would pay lots of money (if we had it) for a full nights sleep! :)

Above is 11months of hair growth!  Don't laugh... we think it may be more than Hannah had! :)

And of course our monkey Hannah.  What an increadible little girl.  She has been such a blessing to us and a huge help with her sisters.  All 3 girls already express how much they love each other and we are excited as we watch their relationships grow.  Hannah is coming to a close of her first year in preschool and is eager to read on her own.  She has the alphabet mastered and does quite well reading simple books with 3-4 letter words.  Next on the list... Dr.Suess "Hop on Pop."  Reading!?!?!?  Blows our minds and fills our hearts will joy as we settle down to read a book before bed and instead she now reads to us.  Just amazing!

Popscicles = Fun (Obviously)  The twins had no trouble finishing theirs as Hannah put her leftovers in the freezer.  As a matter of fact we felt horrible because their little hands were freezing but if we tried to take them away, the twins had a meltdown instead of the popscicles! Ha!  (They were sugar free too!  Who knows what they would do with the good stuff!)

Bathtime is always fun and something the girls look forward to.  Just be prepared to get a bath of your own, they are huge splashers!

Hey... at least we've only caught them eating dirt!  It could be a lot worse! :) (Just ask Jenni about her story involving Abi and dog poop!)

You didn't know we have a horse?  ;)

Hours have already been spent on these swings.... yes hours... and summer isn't even here yet!

No slider is safe with two babies at the finish line!  I'm not saying we haven't had any collisions but overall Hannah has gotten used to the fact that she has to be double aware of her double sisters!

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