Sunday, June 14, 2009

Going Home!

We just talked with the neonatologist and he gave the OK for the girls to come home! We are so excited and cannot wait to get them in the car and through our front door! Thank you to everyone who has prayed, called, txt'd, stopped by, or even just thought about us since the girls were born last week! We are so grateful for everything you have done to help us make it through our stay in the NICU! Will post coming home pictures as soon as possible! :)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

i know you don't know me, but we have mutual friends.... i love reading your blog!!! i was 3 years old when my little (identical) twin sisters were born! Reading your last few post has brought back so many memories! I especially remember the day they came home... SO much fun and excitement!!!

Hannah looks like she will be a GREAT big sister!! congrats & blessings as the adventure of twins begins!