Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Hamburglar!

We thought these pics of Hannah trying to eat a burger almost the size of her head are totally adorable... we are the parents though! Don't be fooled, she's only after the bun. She did not allow her mouth to be tainted by red meat!


Knittin Ko said...

Hi guys,

It's been awhile, how are you doing?
Hannah is awesome and I still hope for the one day that I will meet her in person. If we could find a way to close the gap of several hundred miles...

Hmmm, why is Hannah avoiding red meat? Just curious, wasn't sure if vegetarianism was part of the family.

Two other things, I couldn't help but notice that Hannah blends in beautifully with the high chair. Also, loved how Hannah has spilled her fruit juice everywhere before eating her bun-wich. :) I think it would lots of fun if I could toss my fruit on tables while eating and not having the world think I'm completely wacko.

Thanks always for sharing!

John, Christina, Hannah, Aspen, Brooke, and Taylor said...

Vegetarianism is definitely not part of the Daurer is part of Hannah! It wasn't until recently she started eating chicken nuggets! Prior to that besides cheese she lives soley as a vegan!
I agree with the "free" eating. I would love to forget the plates for a day and just go crazy!
It's too bad the weather sucked while we were in IL. Why don't you come visit Idaho! We'd love to have you then you not only can you meet Hannah but you can get to know her!

Knittin Ko said...

Aha, I thought so! Now I don't know the Daurer family very well (as in extended relatives too) but from the little I know, they never struck me as people who avoided meat. How did Hannah inherit the taste of such a small minority of the family? Hmmm...

About the visit thing, that's definitely crossed my mind. I've got two weeks to use for my vacation and I haven't quite figured how I want to use it. I'll email you and we can plan. :)

John, Christina, Hannah, Aspen, Brooke, and Taylor said...

Sounds wonderful! You let us know!