Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Daurer Plague

Our request is simple enough. Prayer. In the past month we've enjoyed only 5 to 7 days of health. Hannah seems to be getting the worst of it all. We're fighting respiratory issues now and pray the end is near! We are having as much fun with it as we can. They've come up with lots of creative ways for kids to get their meds! Hannah loves it that she has a mask like the one John wears in the shop and we are greatful that it is not so much of a struggle to give her meds!


Anonymous said...

Hi Daurer Family,

We are praying for good health for all three of you! We hope that you are all feeling better soon! Poor Hannah-at least you have been able to find some fun in taking Hannah's medication! We do not have a site set up for blogging, but once I have a little more time, I am going to create one! We will keep you updated! We love your site for Hannah! The pictures are so cute and we love the captions! It is so nice to see how you all are doing!

Matthew, Dana, and Emmalyn:)

Anonymous said...

Blogging is super easy and fun! Start soon!!
